<p>Tastyworks, an online broker launched in
2017, has changed its name to Tastytrade. The brokerage firm through its
platform offers options, futures and crypto trading to retail investors.</p><p>Tastyworks announced the new development on
Wednesday in a press statement, noting that “a full transition to tastytrade branding will take place over the coming weeks.” The broker further noted that it
started adopting the new legal name on Tuesday. It also pointed out that the
change of name will not affect the functioning of its platform.</p><blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>We’re excited to announce we have changed our name to tastytrade! 🍒 If you have questions, we have answers. Visit our name change help article for more info: <a href=”https://t.co/pfJhnHV9T4″>https://t.co/pfJhnHV9T4</a> <a href=”https://t.co/t7oN2G4WbR”>pic.twitter.com/t7oN2G4WbR</a></p>— tastytrade (@tastytrade) <a href=”https://twitter.com/tastytrade/status/1628038852051976193?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>February 21, 2023</a></blockquote><p>”We will actively transition to our new
name and domain across our websites, technology, and content. However, for the
time being, you may still see tastyworks in other areas of our business. You
will start seeing the changes listed below taking effect as early as Tuesday,
February 21st, 2023,” Tastywork explained in <a href=”https://support.tastyworks.com/support/solutions/articles/43000694817-tastyworks-name-change-to-tastytrade” target=”_blank” rel=”follow”>a separate announcement</a> on its
website.</p><p>Tastyworks Changes Name to Tastylive’s Old Name</p><p>With the new development, Tastyworks has
now taken over the name of the online financial network, Tastylive, which until
December last year was known as Tastytrade. Tastylive, which functions as a
financial content and education platform, is a separate but affiliated company
of Tastyworks. However, both companies are part of IG Group. </p><p>In June 2021, IG Group completed <a href=”https://www.financemagnates.com/forex/ig-group-completes-the-acquisition-of-tastytrade-after-regulatory-approval/” target=”_blank” rel=”follow”>the acquisition of
Tastytrade</a> for $1 billion, with $300 million in cash
and $700 million in the form of 61 million new ordinary shares of IG Group.</p><p>Meanwhile, Tastyworks rebranding comes less than a
year after the US-based brokerage firm <a href=”https://www.financemagnates.com/forex/tastyworks-launches-risk-analysis-tool/” target=”_blank” rel=”follow”>launched a risk analysis
tool</a> to help traders analyze and manage their
estimated risk in options, equity and futures trading.</p>
This article was written by Solomon Oladipupo at www.financemagnates.com.