Dear PowerPool community!During the last month, we worked on preparing the testnet of the latest PowerAgent v2 version. At the same time, the community would need to define the future of PowerPool through collective decision-making, like fixing up things with PowerPool legacy products, allocating testnet rewards, and much more.To make the governance process smooth & easy, the custom ‘PowerPool version’ of the Snapshot governance implementation (which included voting using xCVP and LP token of Univ2 CVP/ETH) will be substituted with the original Snapshot governance, available on the official Snapshot website:The new PowerPool Snapshot link:, what $CVP holders need to know regarding this update:Users can now vote using only CVP on the wallet’s balance. The CVP balance in xCVP and CVP/ETH can no longer be used for voting.We plan to add other sources of votes (the Keeper node and LP positions) in the future by adding tech features (already developed and tested in the ‘PowerPool version’ of Snapshot governance) to the Snapshot.Snapshot governance is now available using the link: legacy proposals — 55 of them, will still be available in the old Snapshot and on-chain governance (for proposals, voted before snapshot implementation). In the future, we could migrate them to the original Snapshot to have all voting history.We aim to deprecate the legacy products and establish a pathway of PowerAgent v2 to the genuinely decentralized and automated Defi using the collective decision-making of CVP holders & supporters. The updated governance system should help with that.Tomorrow we will make the first step by launching the 56th Proposal in the new Snapshot governance.A notice on the PowerPool Governance tech update was originally published in PowerPool on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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